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10 Ways Your Body Is Telling You That You Are Low on Key Vitamins

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We are always scared of vitamin deficiency. How to determine for yourself whether we really do not have enough vitamins. As experts say, our body very seldom lacks only one specific vitamin. As a rule, we need a group of these nutrients.

If a person refuses animal products, usually he has a lack of vitamins A, D, E and biotin. If there are not enough plants in the diet, there is a deficit of vitamins of C and B groups. An insufficient amount of vitamins leads to dry and flaky skin.

Sometimes it turns into rough epidermal scales. If you have never had problems with cracked lips, and now they have cracked for no particular reason, then you have beriberi. Acne rashes, sores in the corners of the mouth, inflammations on the skin, unusually large bruises are also signs of a lack of vitamins.

1. Dandruff can show that you have a lack of fatty acids. Try to eat more fish, at least two-three times a week.

2. If your hair becomes weak and dull, this is a lack of vitamin B. Eat spinach and asparagus.

3. Early grey hair can show a lack of copper in your body. Eat mushrooms and oysters.

4. Cracks on the sides of your mouth show a lack of vitamin B12. Try to eat more red meat and poultry.

5. If your skin is not smooth anymore, this can be a lack of Zinc and vitamin A. Eat more poultry and cantaloupe.

6. Your body can absorb vitamins and minerals not well, if there is a lack of stomach acid. You can take some apple cider vinegar.

7. Chronic fatigue indicates that the level of vitamin D is too low. Add more diary and fish to your diet.

8. If you get bruises easier that before, this is a lack of vitamin C. Add more citrus fruit to your diet.

9. To avoid muscle pain, add more magnesium and calcium to your diet. Eat more bananas and avocados.

10. Having problems with your intestines means that you need more magnesium and fiber. Eat more broccoli and apples.

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