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Hormone changes, plane flights, and also too much salt can all cause your body to retain excess water. The body is made up mainly of water and when your hydration level is not balanced, your body tends to hang on to that water. Water retention can cause you to feel heavier than normal, and less nimble or active. It might also cause:


• swelling

• puffiness

Water retention is actually a known health issue, and may occur on a daily basis. There are a number of factors that might cause it including:

• diet

• genetics

• menstrual cycle

You may be able to help to relieve water retention by making lifestyle changes.

Symptoms of water retention may be:

• bloating, more specifically in the abdominal area

• having swollen legs, feet, as well as ankles

• puffiness of your abdomen, face, and hips as well

• weight fluctuations

• stiff joints

• indentations in your skin, not so different from what you see on your fingers when you have been in the bath or shower a long time

There are a lot of factors can cause water retention, including:

• flying in airplane: The changes that happen in the cabin pressure and sitting for an extended period of time can certainly cause your body to hold on to water.

• standing or sitting for too long: The gravity keeps the blood in your lower extremities. So it is actually very important to get up and move around often to keep blood circulating. In the case where you have a sedentary job, schedule a certain time to get up and walk around.

• menstrual changes and fluctuating hormones in your body

• eating too much of sodium: You can get too much sodium by using a lot of table salt or ingesting processed foods and soft drinks.

• Some medications: Medications have some water retention as a side effect.

These include:

  •     chemotherapy treatments
  •     some over-the-counter pain relievers
  •     antidepressants
  •     blood pressure medications

• having weak heart: Having a weak heart that can not pump blood well can cause the body to retain water.

• deep vein thrombosis : Leg swelling may be a cause by DVT, which is a clot in a vein.

• pregnancy: The change in weight during your pregnancy can cause the legs to retain water if you do not move around regularly.

Consistent water retention may be a symptom of a serious condition such as:

• deep vein thrombosis

• fibroids in women

• pulmonary edema, or some fluid buildup inside of your lungs

In case your body doesn’t return naturally to its balanced state, you should seek some medical help. Your doctor will be able to determine if you need any of the following to relieve your water retention:

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