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Here’s How To Use Coconut Oil To Stop Your Hair From Falling Out, Thinning Or Going Gray

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One of the healthiest components on the planet is coconut oil due to its numerous health properties. Manufacturers often add it in sunblocks, charm items, and body creams because it is extremely beneficial for your skin, hair, and nails.

Women from India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka Carribean, Philippines, and Burma used coconut oil on a daily basis to keep their hair long, silky and naturally colored.

Here are some of the best benefits of coconut oil for your hair:

Gray Hair

The follicles of the hair which give the hair its color pass away after some time and become less effective.

To prevent that, massage the scalp with lemon and coconut oil for 15 minutes on a daily basis. This will prevent your hair from becoming gray.

Repairs Hair Damage

Coconut oil decreases protein loss while it enhances the shaft. Just apply it at the end of your hair, but also make sure to cut them every 6 weeks.

Prevents Loss of hair

Certain factors like fungal infections, nutritional shortages, and inflammatory skin conditions trigger hair loss. The best solution is coconut oil due to its healthy fats which will soothe the inflammation and deal with skin infections.

All you have to do is to prepare a mixture with 2 tbsp of sage oil and 3 tbsp of coconut oil and put the mixture in a low heat. After that, cool the mixture a bit and apply it on the head prior to bedtime. Put on a shower cap and leave it to act throughout the night. In the morning, wash it off.

Makes Your Hair Smooth

Hair shaft and extreme dryness of the cuticles cause fizzy hair which is why you need to use coconut oil which will retain the moisture within the hair shaft.

Simply apply coconut oil 10-15 minutes prior to washing it, to make your hair smooth. In order to comb it easily, apply some of this oil at the hair ends as well.

Fights Dandruff

The major causes of dandruff are fungi, dry skin, and many others. In order to get rid of it, apply coconut oil since it will fight fungi and infections while hydrating the skin.

Mix the same amount of coconut and castor oil and massage your scalp with this mixture. Allow it to act for 30 minutes to an hour and then rinse it off. Repeat this method every time you wash your hair.

Kills Lice

Children are the ones most affected by lice and the best solution is coconut oil, not all those harmful chemicals found in pharmacies.

The main reason why coconut oil helps is that it hydrates the skin and kills the pesticide-resistant lice. It coats lice and gradually suffocates them.

The best part is that it does not permit lice or their eggs to hang onto the hair shafts. All you have to do is to apply it and leave it to act for several days. to get the best results, mix the coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree oil.

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