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How To Get Rid Of a Stye Overnight

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Stye is one of the most irritating things that can happen to your eye.

It is a painful process until it gets out on the surface.

It represents a red bump, something like a pimple, which appears on the edge from outside on the eyelid.

Basically, in our eyes, we have very small glands which serve for producing oil. They are called oily glands. Some dead skin, not regular removing of the make up, any kind of dirt can clog the holes which bring oil and water to the eye. When the gland is blocked, literary it will support the growing of bacteria, so it makes a Stye.

How will you know that it is a Stye?

Well, the symptoms of stye are very typical. You cannot mix it with something else. Except with some allergies. But, when you will wait a couple of hours, or overnight, you will see it. The Stye will get out on the surface. The symptoms often are pain and swelling, but this is okay, any kind of bacteria reacts with these symptoms, next you will have more tears production in your eye, that is because your organism struggles to clean your eye. But, once the gland is clogged, it will take a couple of days to be unclogged and the bacteria to be eliminated.

In addition to this post we are going to present you a couple of natural and homemade remedies.

In most of the cases it is passing on its own, but these remedies are going to heal it for one day.

Salt water

You need to boil a litter of water and add 2 tablespoons full of salt.

You will set that aside until cold. When it is done, take a cotton ball and add from the liquid. Apply it on the affected area for 20 minutes.

The next day it will be gone.

Don’t use make up

if you have stye, you need to make a pause with using of your makeup. The reason for this pause it that you need to keep the eye clean, and make up is all chemicals. So, it will make your infection even worst. And, no one wants this.

Wash your hands

When you notice the stye, you must regularly to wash your hands, and do not touch your eye until you wash your hands. This way you will protect your eye from bacteria to develop even more.

Warm compress

Once you notice the symptoms you can start healing it, in order to eliminate it faster. You don’t have to consume different types of medications, but you can apply warm compress for example the tea bags from chamomile. Let them until they are cold. This will help the calming process react faster.

Fat milk

You need to make a warm fat milk, and from the mild add-on a sterile swab with hot liquid and dab the stye.

Next thing to do is to rinse it with warm water, immediately.

Garlic juice

For this purpose, you will only need essential oil of garlic, or garlic cloves.

You need to pour from the juice 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Garlic is an antiseptic, and will heal the affected area immediately.


This is folk homemade remedy. But nowadays most of the people are using chemicals, and they eliminated this from usage.

The only thing that you need to do Is to apply the flower on the affected zone. When it will be dry, after 4 hours you need to wash it with antibacterial soap.

We hope that this article was helpful. You can share it with your friends, you may help someone.

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