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6 Things That Happen When You Don’t Shower For 2 Days

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 First and foremost, there is no better way to feel renewed, refreshed and relaxed. Showering and bathing are considered to be a must and a necessity but also a pleasant way to spend your time after a long day. Every day we are exposed to stresses and natural detoxification processes, we simply move around while doing our body is doing the things it needs to.

Sometimes, it is incredibly tiring to grab a shower during your downtime, while being on your own. But is skipping out the daily shower really so innocent and harmless for our health and our condition? Of course not! You may skip one day, but if you skip the next day of showering, you’ll run into trouble. Let us list you the consequences:

#1. Bad smell

Avoiding it makes us smelly. The smell is creatеd by bacteria that live on our skin and produces waste products. Our sweat is also a way to detox ourselves of our waste products, so our skin contains a lot of toxins and is a prime environment for bacteria to live in after we sweat (and we sweat all the time because it is a natural way to remove toxins), especially after the gym. So, showering is the only way to get rid of the sweat, smell and unpleasant odors.

#2. Skin infections

If the bacteria and germs are not washеd away, they reproduce faster and cause harm to our skin by spreading infections. It causes skin itching and inflammation. Washing our bodies is the most natural way to get rid of the infection spread probability.

#3. Unpleasant, grubby skin

In addition to being stinky, our skin will become grubby, slovenly and simply unpleasant. The natural process of skin renewal will continue but the cleanliness will be breachеd.

#4. Hair loss

All our skin will become flaky and irritations will occur all over it, especially in the places where the skin is the most tender. Our hair may start falling out because the follicles are full of sebum that prohibits the natural nutrition of the hair roots.

#5. Stress

You will become more stressed and tense because a shower is the most natural way to get relief from stress and relieve depression. Showering is basically healing any sore muscles, which often happens if we are stressеd, as it reflects in our body.

#6. Violation of blood circulation

It supports immune system strength by gently massaging the lymphatic system and increasing the blood circulation, so our cells are functioning better to keep us healthy within. It is a natural way of healing the body.

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