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 If you have ever been into a yoga studio or some new age bookshop, you have probably noticed that such places sometimes have a very particular smell.

The reason for this is as many of these locations practice smudging on a regular basis, which is a Native American tradition. It uses the smoke of sacred herbs to purify the room. This is ritual which is similar to the act of burning incense.

While the practice of smudging is commonly connected with sage, there are some other herbs which you can use and more concrete benefits which you can enjoy.


For millennia, bay leaves have been a thing of legends: whether its incontestable role in the Greek and Roman folklore or its steady presence in the Indian, as well as Caribbean culture and cuisine, this herb has withstood the test of time.

But, these leaves are not just used in food and fairy-tales. The herb is frequently used as a fragrance ingredient in creams, as well as lotions, perfumes, soaps, and detergents.


Traditionally, the bay leaf is used as a sedative, is analgesic, as well as anti-inflammatory. The herb also has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, and it can lower the pressure and heart rate of a person. It is usually used to help in treating insomnia, as well as chronic stress and to alter mood too.

As a culinary herb, a bay leaf can also help in managing the levels of glucose and cholesterol in people with diabetes and prevent kidney stones. When taken as a tea, the bay leaf has the ability to prevent the growth, as well as the spread of Leukemia and cause apoptosis in other cancerous cells.


There is nothing which may stop you from cooking with this herb in order to get these benefits, just remember to remove the leaves before serving because they can be a choking hazard.

However, if you feel stressed or you are not in a great mood, you should simply burn a leaf or two maybe in an aluminum baking tray and then leave it for ten minutes. Also, remember to close the windows, keep the tray away from anything that is flammable, such as paper, wood or linens, and make sure you do not burn it under a smoke detector.

When you come back in your house, the smoke of the leaves is going to make your mind and muscles feel more relaxed, and you will find it easier to focus on your task at hand. When you are done with that, dispose of the ashes outside.

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