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Gynecologists Warn: 6 Menstrual Problems You Should Never Ignore

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 Every woman needs to be aware that it must not ignore the symptoms of irregular menstrual cycles. Sometimes skipping cycles, reduced or excessive bleeding may be signs of a serious problem.

Pay attention to these six menstrual problems which you must not ignore:

Absent Menstruation

If you have missed two or more periods and you are not pregnant then you may have bigger problems as thyroid problems, stress or premature menopause, hormonal misbalance and excessive exercising. Absent Menstruation can trigger faster growth of abnormal cells which can potentially cause cancer. Your gynecologist should run blood test, check the hormone level, and check if you have polycystic ovaries as well as your thyroid gland function.menstrual-problems-you-shouldnt-ignore

Sudden and intensive cramps

If you often have cramps with severe pain than you may suffer from endometriosis. This condition is extremely painful because the cells which grow inside the uterus are starting to spread through the external wall of the uterus. The symptoms appear at any time and often women who have this problem used to have painful periods when they were younger.

Abnormal bleeding

Abnormal bleeding between periods can be normal especially if you take birth control pills, but it is advisable to visit a doctor anyway because it can be also caused by fibroids, pre-cancer cells or ovarian cysts.

Excessive bleeding or cycle that lasts more than 10 days

What should be considered as excessive bleeding? If you need to change hygienic pads every hour than you may have excessive bleeding. This can be a sign of some medical conditions as fibroids, polyps or adenomyosis (where the endometric tissue grows inside the muscle walls of the uterus) and they cause anemia. You must immediately see a doctor as they are serious medical conditions.

Unbearable symptoms of PMS

If you behave as a monster before your cycle than you may suffer from premenstrual dysphoric disorder. This disorder is hundred times worse than common premenstrual syndrome. The symptoms are great anxiety, uncontrolled hunger, rage and losing your own control as well as sudden changes in mood. Although these symptoms are quite unpleasant, they can be prevented by taking antidepressants for 2 weeks or 1 month.

“Distressed” hormones

Some medical conditions can worsen significantly during the period. For example, if you suffer from asthma and you feel quite bad one week before the period you should be aware that it is not a coincidence. Premenstrual magnification is a condition which is responsible for this and diabetes, arthritis and depression can get much worse before the menstrual cycle. If you want to reduce the symptoms consult your doctor and he/she will prescribe you some medicines which will help you.

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