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Spray This All Over Your Face At Night And In Just Few Days Your Skin Will Become Milky White And Spotless!

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 We all wish to have glowing spotless skin complexion it means no acne/pimple, scars on our face with a radiant glowing skin tone. We want all of them right? Believe me girls you can actually get these all.

Today I am going to tell you about one natural spray, spray it all over your clean face before going to bed and let it act on your skin all night. In just few days you can see how does your skin is changing in an unexpected way

To prepare this facial spray, you will need:

Coconut water + Rose Water


In a bowl take coconut water.

Add equal amount of rose water.

Mix it and your facial spray is ready to use

Store this liquid in a spray bottle.

You can store this facial spray in refrigerator upto one month.

Use this facial spray anytime during the day and before going to bed. I use it 2 times in a day and once before going to bed.

Coconut water is very helpful to remove all scars and spots from your face. It also acts as natural moisturizer. Rose water controls excess oil in your skin. Rose water helps in skin tightening and balances skin pH level. Rose water also cleanses your skin pores very well.

When coconut water is combined with rose water, this combination works great for lightening skin complexion.

This facial spray is suitable for all skin types.

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